I AM The Vine

I AM The Vine

I AM The Vine I AM Part 7 Sean Boyd I AM The Vine John 6:23-40 | I AM 7 of 7 | November 24, 2019 Moments before His arrest, Jesus speaks words of comfort and courage to His disciples. In this final part of the I AM Series, we examine the rich metaphor of Jesus being...
I AM The Vine

I AM The Way, The Truth, And The Life

I AM The Way, The Truth, And The Life I AM Part 6 Sean Boyd I AM The Way, The Truth, And The Life John 14:1-6 | I AM 6 of 7 | November 17, 2019 In a conversation encouraging His disciples, Jesus declares that He is the Way, Truth, and Life – that the way to the...
I AM The Vine

I AM The Resurrection And The Life

I AM The resurrection And The Life I AM Part 5 Sean Boyd I AM The Resurrection And The Life John 11:1-44 | I AM 5 of 7 | November 10, 2019 Upon hearing that His friend Lazarus is sick, Jesus waits before traveling to see Him. He arrives in Lazarus’ hometown of Bethany...
I AM The Vine

I AM The Good Shepherd

I AM The Good Shepherd I AM Part 4 Sean Boyd I AM The Good Shepherd John 10:11-30 | I AM 4 of 7 | November 3, 2019 Jesus continues in his agrarian description of the Kingdom of God. From referring to Himself as The Door for the sheep, He now declares He is the Good...
I AM The Vine

I AM The Door

I AM The Door I AM Part 3 Sean Boyd I AM The Door John 10:1-10 | I AM 3 of 7 | October 27, 2019 After a blind man is healed by Jesus, he finds himself excommunicated from the Synagogue. Jesus reassures him that He is the one true Door into the Kingdom of God, and this...
I AM The Vine

I AM The Light Of The World

I AM The Light Of The World I AM Part 2 Sean Boyd I AM The Light Of The World John 8:2-12 | I AM 2 of 7 | October 20, 2019 Jesus is put on the spot by the religious leaders of the day, and His response brings light not only to a hurting woman, but to their...